Polska Platforma Bezpieczeństwa Wewnętrznego

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SHIELD4CROWD has received funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101121171

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    Przemysław Dobrzyński

    Starszy Specjalista ds. Komunikacji

    I’ve worked at PPHS since November 2017. For a long time I was responsible for the both international and national security projects implementation. Due to the development of PPHS and founding of the Communication Department, I was promoted to the strictly communication-related position.

    Currently, I’m the Communication & Dissemination Manger in the EU-funded PREVENT PCP and SAFE-CITIES projects in the area of security. Also, my responsibilities include managing the online channels administrated by PPHS and supporting the team in ongoing tasks.

    I have a diverse set of skills, which allows me to complete various tasks, such us content creation (texts, photos, videos), communication & processes planning, community and relations building, as well as online platforms management.

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    Przemyslaw Dobrzynski

    Senior Communication Specialist at the Polish Platform for Homeland Security

    I’ve worked at PPHS since November 2017. For a long time I was responsible for the both international and national security projects implementation. Due to the development of PPHS and founding of the Communication Department, I was promoted to the strictly communication-related position.

    Currently, I’m the Communication & Dissemination Manger in the EU-funded PREVENT PCP and SAFE-CITIES projects in the area of security. Also, my responsibilities include managing the online channels administrated by PPHS and supporting the team in ongoing tasks.

    I have a diverse set of skills, which allows me to complete various tasks, such us content creation (texts, photos, videos), communication & processes planning, community and relations building, as well as online platforms management.

    Join Our Team


      Nicolas De Rycke

      Dyrektor Generalny i współzałożyciel Elephantastic Software

      Nicolas ma 20 lat doświadczenia w śledztwach, informatyce śledczej i cyberbezpieczeństwie. Prowadził działania w zakresie cyberbezpieczeństwa oraz walki z fałszerstwami, oszustwami i cyberprzestępczością. Od 25 lat uczy technik OSINT (Open Source Intelligence) w Paris Ecole de Guerre Économique (Szkole Wojny Ekonomicznej w Paryżu).