The workshop “Countering Disinformation – Resilient Civilians” will be held on 8th April 2022 in Wrocław, Poland. The event is organised by the Polish Platform for Homeland Security in cooperation with the European Commission Representation in Wrocław, the City Hall in Wrocław and the European project EU-HYBNET dedicated to combating hybrid threats.
Countering disinformation is a permanent challenge in public space. Especially after Russian aggression against Ukraine fighting against disinformation requires cooperation between various institutions, constant raising of social awareness and citizens’ resistance to disinformation.
The workshop aims to discuss different aspects of disinformation, in particular disinformation originating in Russia. Additionally, public consultation will be held regarding good practices for actions that can be and should be undertaken in order to counter fake news, create efficient strategic communication, build social awareness and resistance to hybrid threats. The discussion will be based on the outcomes of the European project EU-HYBNET. Developed recommendations will be provided to the European Commission and other relevant European and national institutions.
Special guests of the event will be: Martyna Bildziukiewicz , PhD, Head of East Stratcom Task Force and part of @EUvsDisinfo , Agnieszka Legucka, PhD, University Professor, The Polish Institute of International Affairs and Karina Stasiuk-Krajewska, PhD, University Professor, SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities.
This event will be conducted in Polish. The agenda can be found here. If you want to attend the workshop, please complete the registration form which can be found under this link.
In case of any questions, contact us:
Magda Okuniewska,