Radicalisation, polarisation, alienation and extremism are complex processes that require a comprehensive approach to prevent them. This is why within the PARTICIPATION project we conducted a study on analysing the factors leading to those phenomena. The study involved a wide range of local stakeholders and youth representatives who could voice their opinions.
PPHS conducted two workshops on June 1 and 8 this year in Syców and Poznań (Poland). The purpose of these studies was to develop and promote a platform for dialogue and exchange of knowledge and needs, as well as identifying and developing a strategy for coping with difficulties in the local community.
The report summarising both events are available. We encourage you to read these documents to find out what leads to discrimination, alienation and radicalisation among young people.
The Community Mapping study consisted of two stages. In the first stage of the study, a quantitative research was carried out among high school students attending one of the selected high schools in Syców and Poznań. The questionnaire was verified the factors that, according to the youth, favour alienation, radicalisation, polarisation and extremism.
The second stage of the study – the Social Lab workshop, assumed participatory involvement of stakeholders representing various social structures embedded in the local community. As part of the workshop, participants mapped threats and resources in their communities and worked on recommendations for future action embedded in three time perspectives.
The holistic approach of the stakeholders made it possible to learn about different perspectives for identifying the strengths and difficulties of the local communities. The workshops showed the importance of interdisciplinary cooperation in preventing such complex problems as radicalisation, polarisation, alienation and extremism. It was especially important to involve young people and “give them a voice”, as it allowed for a better and deeper understanding of their perspective. All participants agreed that social diagnosis using the Community Mapping technique is a very good solution and should be implemented in local communities.
We would like to invite you to the PARTICIPATION project website and its profiles on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.