On 23rd of May 2019 in The Netherlands Standardisation Institute (in Delft), Polish Platform for Homeland Security (PPHS) in cooperation with other partners of i-LEAD project, organized the workshop titled: “Procurement of Innovations in the Area of Security”. The i-LEAD project (Innovation – Law Enforcement Agencies Dialogue) is funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 Programme.
The main idea of the workshop was to discuss about current experiences and challenges in procuring innovative solutions, dedicated especially for Law Enforcement Agencies and other institutions responsible for security.
Following topics were raised during the workshop: Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP), Public Procurement of Innovative Solutions (PPI), Innovation Partnerships.
In the workshop participated about 25 people from the following institutions:
- Center for Security Studies (KEMEA), Greece;
- Corvers Procurement Services B.V, company from The Netherlands;
- European Commission;
- Finnish Ministry of the Interior;
- Integrated Biometrics, company from United States;
- Joint Security and Resilience Centre (JSaRC), UK Home Office;
- Ministry of Defence, The Netherlands;
- Ministry of Justice and Security, The Netherlands;
- National Police Board of Finland;
- Polícia Judiciária, Portugal;
- Polish Platform for Homeland Security, Poland;
- Polish Police Headquarters, Poland;
- Politie, The Netherlands Police;
- The Dutch Public Procurement Expertise Centre (PIANOo);
- The Netherlands Standardisation Institute (NEN);
- The Swedish Police Authority.
Key findings:
- It is needed to organize dedicated training for LEA, focused on Innovation Partnership – how to implement it in practice;
- It is needed to raise the awareness about PCP, PPI and Innovation Partnership initiatives, highlighting that risk is natural element of Procuring of innovation solutions and it should be accepted, especially by decision makers;
- I-LEAD will build a community of LEA practitioners in the field of Innovative Procurement.
Link to the workshop agenda you can find here.
Presentations from the workshop are available at this link.