
Summary of the 2016 conference titled “Research and innovations in the area of security”

"Research and innovations in the area of security - exchange of international experiences" - this was the title of the conference organized by the Polish Platform for Homeland Security and the Polish National Contact Point for Research Programmes of the European Union, held on 11-12 May 2016 at the Conference Center of the National Stadium in Warsaw.

The Honorary Patrons of the event was the Minister of Interior and Administration, the Minister of Science and Higher Education, the Minister of Development, and the Director of the National Centre for Research and Development.

The media patronage of the conference was exercised by the Rzeczpospolita newspaper and the Policja 997 weekly magazine.

The accompanying event of the conference was the Information Day in the area “Secure Societies" area of the Horizon 2020 program, held on 10 May 2016, with the support of representatives of the European Commission and the Research Executive Agency (REA).

The main objective of the conference was to identify and develop methods of optimum cooperation between representatives of the science, business, and agencies and institutions responsible for public security, in the framework of research and development works.

During the Information Day (10 May 2016), detailed information about the current call in the area of security of the Horizon 2020 Programme was presented by the following persons:

  1. Agnieszka Marciniak - European Union Research Executive Agency (REA);
  2. Alberto-Pietro Contaretti - Migration and Home Affairs Directorate General of the European Commission.

1st day of the conference (11 May)

The first day of the Conference started with presentations by the Honorary Guests:

  1. Dr hab. Teresa Czerwinska - Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Science and Higher Education;
  2. Wieslaw Jasinski - Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Finance, General Inspector of the Tax Audit Office, and General Inspector of Financial Information;
  3. Gen. Wlodzimierz Nowak - Representative of the Minister of Digitalization for Cybersecurity.

Afterwards, new possibilities were presented of European Union's financing of activities of agencies and state institutions aimed to implement results of R&D (POV, PCP, and PPI mechanisms). Presentations in this part were given by:

  1. Paolo Salieri - Migration and Home Affairs Directorate General of the European Commission;
  2. Dr Pantelis Michalis - Center for Security Studies (KEMEA), Ministry of Interior and Administrative Reconstruction, Greece;
  3. Rashel Talukder - Polish Platform for Homeland Security.

During the session that followed, representatives of the Police from the United Kingdom and the Netherlands shared their experiences in the implementation of R&D projects in the area of security:

  1. Andrew Stainforth - West Yorkshire Police, United Kingdom;
  2. Patrick Padding - Chairman of the European Network of Law Enforcement Technology Services (ENLETS), an officer of the Dutch Police.

The models of financing of research in the area of security in EU countries, including the issue of intellectual property rights related to results of R&D works, were presented by:

  1. Shaun Mallinson - Cooperation and Financing Coordinator, Center for Applied Science and Technology (CAST), Home Office, United Kingdom;
  2. Rashel Talukder - Polish Platform for Homeland Security, Poland;
  3. Dr Georgios Kioumourtzis - Center for Security Studies (KEMEA), Ministry of Interior and Administrative Reconstruction, Greece.

After a short break, a presentation about the Bank Cybersecurity Center was given by Dr Mieczyslaw Groszek, Vice-President of the Polish Bank Association.

Also, a cooperation agreement between the PPBW and ENLETS (European Network of Law Enforcement Technology Services) was signed during the first day of the conference.

2nd day of the conference (12 May)

The guests of the conference were welcomed by Prof. Emil W. Plywaczewski, the Head Coordinator of the Polish Platform for Homeland Security, and Sebastian Serwiak, Deputy Director of the National Contact Point, who summed up the first two days of the conference.

After the session started, the Honorary Guests give their presentations:

  1. Nadinsp. dr Jaroslaw Szymczyk - National Police Commander;
  2. Col. Krzysztof Olkowicz - Deputy Commissioner for Human Rights.

Afterwards, Prof. Lech Paprzycki, President of the Supreme Court, Head of the Criminal Chamber, made an introduction to the discussion that focused on finding the answer to the question of whether it is possible to find a balance between the right to privacy and the need for surveillance by uniformed and secret services.

The participants in the discussion were:

  1. Gen. Marek Bienkowski - Director of the Department of Public Order and Internal Security, Supreme Audit Office;
  2. Dr hab. Ryszard Czerniawski - SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities;
  3. Monika Krasinska - Director of the Jurisdiction, Legislation, and Complaints Department, Bureau of the Inspector General for Personal Data Protection;
  4. Dr. Zbigniew Wrona - Director of the Department of Legal Affairs, Supreme Audit Office;
  5. Miroslaw Wroblewski - Director of the Constitutional and International Law of the Commissioner for Human Rights;
  6. Katarzyna Szymielewicz - Chair of the Board of the Panoptykon Foundation;
  7. Judge Anna Wesolowska;
  8. Prof. Adam Dabrowski - Poznan University of Technology.

The discussion was addressed by the Honorary Guest of the Conference, National Public Prosecutor Bogdan Swieczkowski, First Deputy Prosecutor General.

The discussion ended with the presentation given by representatives of TELESTE VIDEO NETWORKS and SATLAN, which focused on use of video monitoring to detect and fight crime and terrorism.

After the break, during the second part of the meeting, the results of selected R&D projects in the area of security, financed mostly by the National Center for Research and Development, were presented. Further presentations focused on cybersecurity and protection of national borders:

  1. Ml. insp. Marcina Golizda-Blizinskiego - Head of the Cybercrime Department, Criminal Office, National Police Headquarters. Presentation titled "Cybercrime department of the Criminal Office of the National Police Headquarters. History and challenges";
  2. Dr Joanna Swiatkowska - Program Director of CYBERSEC, Kosciuszko Institute. Presentation titled "Cybersecurity of Poland - challenges and threats";
  3. Brig. gen. (res.) pilot Dariusz Wronski - Implementation and Production Center of the Technical Institute of the Air Force. Presentation titled "Innovations that strengthen the system of protection and security of Poland's borders".

The conference and the Information Day were attended by representatives of the Polish government and state administration, Polish and European agencies and institutions responsible for security, judges and prosecutors, representatives of public and non-public universities, research and development entities, non-governmental organizations, and businessmen. A total of over 300 persons attended the events.

The conference was attended by visitors from the following countries:

France, Greece, Georgia, Spain, Netherlands, Israel, Lithuania, Latvia, Germany, United States, Switzerland, Ukraine, United Kingdom, and Italy.

The honorary guests of the conference were:

  1. Prof. Andrzej Rzeplinski - President of the Constitutional Tribunal;
  2. Prof. Lech Paprzycki - President of the Supreme Court, Head of the Criminal Law Chamber;
  3. Dr hab. Teresa Czerwinska - Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Science and Higher Education;
  4. Dr Wieslaw Jasinski - Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Finance, General Inspector of the Tax Audit Office, and General Inspector of Financial Information;
  5. Bogdan Swieczkowski - First Deputy Prosecutor General, National Public Prosecutor;
  6. Nadinsp. dr Jaroslaw Szymczyk - National Police Commander;
  7. Leszek Grabarczyk - Deputy Director of the National Center for Research and Development;
  8. Col. Krzysztof Olkowicz - Deputy Commissioner for Human Rights;
  9. Gen. Wlodzimierz Nowak - Representative of the Minister of Digitalization for Cybersecurity;
  10. Patrick Padding - Core Group Leader of European Network of Law Enforcement Technology Services (ENLETS), Netherlands;
  11. Dr. Pantelis Michalis - Vice Director of Center for Security Studies (KEMEA), Ministry of Interior and Administrative Reconstruction, Greece;
  12. Insp. dr. Piotr Bogdalski - Commandant-Rector of the Police Academy in Szczytno;
  13. Div. gen. prof. dr hab. inz. Zygmunt Mierczyk - Rector-Commandant of the Military Academy of Technology;
  14. Prof. dr. hab. inz. Tomasz Szmuc - Prorector of Science of the Stanislaw Staszic AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow;
  15. Prof. dr hab. Tadeusz Tomaszewski - Prorector of Human Resources and Continuous Education.

The tasks given to the Polish Platform for Homeland Security as a result of the discussion held during the conference:

  1. Support for uniformed services in the completion of the procedure of registration with the European Commission so that they can be directly involved in projects financed in the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme. Close cooperation in this regard is planned with the National Contact Point for Research Programmes of the EU;

    Time of performance: June-July 2016.

  2. With reference to the challenge given to the PPBW by National Public Prosecutor Bogdan Swieczkowski, the plan is to conduct within the Polish Platform for Homeland Security a discussion on possible legislative changes related to operation of uniformed services that breach the right to privacy. The plan is to involve representatives of government institutions, non-governmental organizations, and the science.

    Time of performance: June-August 2016 - preparation of methods and logistics of the works, September 2016-February 2017 - organization of expert meetings, essential work on the documents, March-May 2017 - preparation of the final report with recommendations on the legislative changes.

Presentations from the conference can be found here.

Agenda of the conference is available here.

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SHIELD4CROWD has received funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101121171

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    Przemysław Dobrzyński

    Starszy Specjalista ds. Komunikacji

    Dołączyłem do Platformy w listopadzie 2017 roku. Przez długi czas byłem odpowiedzialny za realizację krajowych i europejskich projektów związanych z bezpieczeństwem. W związku z dynamicznym rozwojem PPBW oraz powstaniem Działu Komunikacji, zająłem się promocją i upowszechnianiem rezultatów naszych działań.

    Obecnie koordynuję komunikację projektów finansowanych przez UE z obszaru bezpieczeństwa. Do moich obowiązków należy również zarządzanie kanałami online PPBW oraz wspieranie zespołu w bieżących pracach.

    Posiadam szeroki zakres umiejętności, który pozwala mi realizować różnorodne zadania, takie jak tworzenie treści (teksty, zdjęcia, wideo), planowanie strategii komunikacyjnych i procesów, budowanie społeczności i relacji, a także administrowanie platformami online.

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    Przemyslaw Dobrzynski

    Senior Communication Specialist at the Polish Platform for Homeland Security

    I’ve been working at PPHS since November 2017. For a long time, I was responsible for implementing both international and national security projects. As PPHS developed and the Communication Department was established, I was promoted to a role focused entirely on communication.

    I currently serve as the Communication & Dissemination Manager for EU-funded security projects. My responsibilities also include managing the online channels run by PPHS and supporting the team with ongoing tasks.

    I have a broad set of skills, enabling me to handle a variety of tasks such as content creation (texts, photos, videos), communication and process planning, community and relationship building, as well as managing online platforms.

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