Works have been completed on the second stage of the project SNAPPY “Database of Standardized Prevention Programs” whose Administrator is the Prevention Bureau of the National Police Headquarters. The Polish Platform for Homeland Security, the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, and SNP Poland sp. z o.o. were the participants of the second stage.
The second stage consisted of three tasks, which comprised construction of standardization forms with quality assessment of preventive programs and work on the functional model of the Database and the technical and non-technical requirements of the Database. During this time 5 meetings were held with the Administrator.
The second phase lasted five months and is the last phase of the research work. Currently, the project team will work on building prototypes of the components of the Database and on developing a methodology for testing and validating the operation of the components.
The project SNAPPY “Database of Standardized Prevention Programs” is financed by the National Center for Research and Development under the program for national defense and security (DOB-BIO10/10/02/2019). The project budget is PLN 1,095,418. More information can be found on: https://ppbw.pl/en/snappy-project.