Since November 2019, Polish Platform for Homeland Security, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan and SNP Poland have been working on the SNAPPY project which aims to create an Internet Database of Standardized Prevention Programs. The leader of the project is PPHS.
The created Database is to catalogue, inventory, standardize and evaluate prevention programs and other prevention projects carried out by the police units from all over the country, as well as other state and local government institutions. The main recipient of the Database will be the General Police Headquarters of Poland.
About the project
Currently, a professional tool that, on the one hand would collect and effectively use present experience in the field of prevention, and on the other hand, coordinate and supervise professional program development by the Police units, is not in use. This situation results in duplication of initiatives, but also mostly in their low quality and effectiveness, what is related to the lack of a tool for reviewing current projects.
Therefore, there exists a real need to create a tool/database which will facilitate cataloguing, inventorying and standardizing social prevention programs constructed and implemented by the Police, as well as state and local government institutions. The Database of Standardized Prevention Programs will consist of three main components:
- standardized programs;
- activities and other preventive undertakings;
- quality assessment form for programs and other prevention initiatives.
The project is financed by the National Center for Research and Development within a defense and security program. Its implementation will be completed in July 2021.