SAFE Project–Analysis of Security Perceptions in the German-Polish Border Area
The workshop noted the differences in crime statistics between Poland and Germany. The analysis will focus on comparable crime categories and the questions will…
On 1-2 June 2016, in the Hague, a yearly international conference was held, focused on research in the area of security, which was attended by representatives of the PPHS.
The conference was organized by the European Commission, the European Network of Law Enforcement Technology Services (ENLETS), and the Hague Security Delta (HSD).
Below are the most important conclusions from the conference, as well as links to the materials and photos from the conference.
Recap video and pictures
To get an impression of these two inspiring days, please have a look at the recap video and pictures of the event.
Keynotes and Panel Discussions during the EC Security Research Conference
Reports of the European Commission’s panel discussions are available here, as well as highlights of the keynotes.
Infographic: Interesting Facts & Figures
Academia and R&D organisations and stimulate innovation and economic growth. Read more here.
The workshop noted the differences in crime statistics between Poland and Germany. The analysis will focus on comparable crime categories and the questions will…
For a decade, the influence and impact of external interference in Europe’s discourse and media have been increasingly concerning risks. Since Russia’s illegal …
Imagine a day without access to water, electricity or the internet – unfortunately, these scenarios are becoming increasingly likely. Critical infrastructure, r…
Dołączyłem do Platformy w listopadzie 2017 roku. Przez długi czas byłem odpowiedzialny za realizację krajowych i europejskich projektów związanych z bezpieczeństwem. W związku z dynamicznym rozwojem PPBW oraz powstaniem Działu Komunikacji, zająłem się promocją i upowszechnianiem rezultatów naszych działań.
Obecnie koordynuję komunikację projektów finansowanych przez UE z obszaru bezpieczeństwa. Do moich obowiązków należy również zarządzanie kanałami online PPBW oraz wspieranie zespołu w bieżących pracach.
Posiadam szeroki zakres umiejętności, który pozwala mi realizować różnorodne zadania, takie jak tworzenie treści (teksty, zdjęcia, wideo), planowanie strategii komunikacyjnych i procesów, budowanie społeczności i relacji, a także administrowanie platformami online.
I’ve been working at PPHS since November 2017. For a long time, I was responsible for implementing both international and national security projects. As PPHS developed and the Communication Department was established, I was promoted to a role focused entirely on communication.
I currently serve as the Communication & Dissemination Manager for EU-funded security projects. My responsibilities also include managing the online channels run by PPHS and supporting the team with ongoing tasks.
I have a broad set of skills, enabling me to handle a variety of tasks such as content creation (texts, photos, videos), communication and process planning, community and relationship building, as well as managing online platforms.