SAFE Project: Polish-German Collaboration for Border Security
The foundation of Poland’s security lies in both our internal efforts to make our country more resilient to various threats and international cooperation in thi…
The SAFE project received funding in 2023 from the Polish-German Foundation for Science to prepare a cross-border security analysis in the Polish-German border area. Among the planned activities is the strengthening of cooperation between the two countries in preventing and controlling crime.
The concept will be developed based on the results of two workshops on exchange and expertise on the German and Polish sides, involving identified key stakeholders such as police representatives, local governments, and civil society. The focus will be on the federal states of Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Saxony, and Berlin on the German side, and the Polish voivodeships of West Pomerania, Lubusz, Lower Silesia, and Greater Poland.
The actions will address crime and threats, as well as the subjective assessments of German and Polish citizens regarding instances of law violations in border areas. During the workshops, participants will identify the needs and future challenges in preventing crime in areas close to the borders in terms of intensified Polish-German cooperation. The project will identify and analyse the potential and challenges associated with conducting this research.
In conclusion, the SAFE team will summarize and evaluate the findings in a joint report. The document will also include recommendations for exchanging experiences and monitoring situations and trends in the broadly understood security and its perception in the Polish-German border area. The mentioned workshops will take place in Potsdam, Germany and Poznan, Poland.
Information about the SAFE project can also be found on the BIGS website.
Institutions performing the project:
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Dołączyłem do Platformy w listopadzie 2017 roku. Przez długi czas byłem odpowiedzialny za realizację krajowych i europejskich projektów związanych z bezpieczeństwem. W związku z dynamicznym rozwojem PPBW oraz powstaniem Działu Komunikacji, zająłem się promocją i upowszechnianiem rezultatów naszych działań.
Obecnie koordynuję komunikację projektów finansowanych przez UE z obszaru bezpieczeństwa. Do moich obowiązków należy również zarządzanie kanałami online PPBW oraz wspieranie zespołu w bieżących pracach.
Posiadam szeroki zakres umiejętności, który pozwala mi realizować różnorodne zadania, takie jak tworzenie treści (teksty, zdjęcia, wideo), planowanie strategii komunikacyjnych i procesów, budowanie społeczności i relacji, a także administrowanie platformami online.
I’ve been working at PPHS since November 2017. For a long time, I was responsible for implementing both international and national security projects. As PPHS developed and the Communication Department was established, I was promoted to a role focused entirely on communication.
I currently serve as the Communication & Dissemination Manager for EU-funded security projects. My responsibilities also include managing the online channels run by PPHS and supporting the team with ongoing tasks.
I have a broad set of skills, enabling me to handle a variety of tasks such as content creation (texts, photos, videos), communication and process planning, community and relationship building, as well as managing online platforms.