PREVENT: Impact on increasing public transport security in Europe
The Polish Platform for Homeland Security has participated in an international project on anticipating terrorist attacks in public transport entitled “Procureme…
The Polish Platform for Homeland Security is involved in an international project on anticipating terrorist attacks in public transport entitled “PRocurEments of innoVativE, advaNced systems to support security in public Transport”, whose leader is Engineering – Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A based in Rome. The project consortium includes 16 partners from such countries as Poland, Italy, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Greece, Spain and Israel. The project is financed by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 program. Its implementation began in May 2019 and will last until August 2020.
PPHS is particularly involved in work related to Work Package 2 and Work Package 3 and is responsible for carrying out a broad analysis of the current state and effectiveness of security processes in public transport and an indication of significant weaknesses of these processes. At the same time, work will be carried out on the creation, coordination and promotion of the Project Observation Group, bringing together representatives of transport, services and public authorities from outside the consortium implementing the project.
We encourage you to read the project brochure and the PCP flyer. More information about PREVENT can be found here.
The main purpose of the PREVENT project is to provide the suitable technology for early detection of potential threats, tracking of detected persons and coordination of the responses of the security services. The assumption is to develop jointly agreed scenarios covering important security issues, including primarily identification of urgent needs in the field of innovation and technologies, implementation of which will improve the coordination of the security system in the area of transport (for operators, services and public authorities).
Project financed by the European Commission.
Get in touch with us at projekty@ppbw.pl
The Polish Platform for Homeland Security has participated in an international project on anticipating terrorist attacks in public transport entitled “Procureme…
We are pleased to announce that PREVENT project PCP Handbook has just been released! The Polish Platform for Homeland Security is a co-author of this document t…
The second PREVENT Newsletter is release. We encourage you to read the brochure and familiarize yourself with the project.
Dołączyłem do Platformy w listopadzie 2017 roku. Przez długi czas byłem odpowiedzialny za realizację krajowych i europejskich projektów związanych z bezpieczeństwem. W związku z dynamicznym rozwojem PPBW oraz powstaniem Działu Komunikacji, zająłem się promocją i upowszechnianiem rezultatów naszych działań.
Obecnie koordynuję komunikację projektów finansowanych przez UE z obszaru bezpieczeństwa. Do moich obowiązków należy również zarządzanie kanałami online PPBW oraz wspieranie zespołu w bieżących pracach.
Posiadam szeroki zakres umiejętności, który pozwala mi realizować różnorodne zadania, takie jak tworzenie treści (teksty, zdjęcia, wideo), planowanie strategii komunikacyjnych i procesów, budowanie społeczności i relacji, a także administrowanie platformami online.
I’ve been working at PPHS since November 2017. For a long time, I was responsible for implementing both international and national security projects. As PPHS developed and the Communication Department was established, I was promoted to a role focused entirely on communication.
I currently serve as the Communication & Dissemination Manager for EU-funded security projects. My responsibilities also include managing the online channels run by PPHS and supporting the team with ongoing tasks.
I have a broad set of skills, enabling me to handle a variety of tasks such as content creation (texts, photos, videos), communication and process planning, community and relationship building, as well as managing online platforms.