INDEED aims to strengthen the knowledge, capabilities and skills of PVE/CVE and De-radicalisation first-line practitioners and policy makers in designing, planning, implementation and in evaluating initiatives in the field, based on evidence-based approach.
INDEED builds from the state-of-the-art, utilising the scientific and practical strengths of recent activities – enhancing them with complementary features to drive advancements and curb a growing rise of radical views and violent behaviour threatening security.
The INDEED methodological framework is based on the ‘5I’ approach i.e. 5 project phases: Identify; Involve; Innovate; Implement; Impact. At the core of INDEED’s work methodology is an interdisciplinary and participatory approach, which includes the co-creation of individual project phases and implementing them with the close engagement of multi-sectoral stakeholders. The creation of SMART Hubs (Stakeholder Multisectoral Anti-Radicalisation Teams) as part of INDEED is intended to facilitate this process.
- Develop a Universal Evidence-Based Model (EBEM) for assessing the prevention and mitigation of radicalisation;
- Development of a practical assessment tool based on EBEM;
- Creation of user-friendly repositories (repositories of radicalisation factors and pathways leading to radicalisation; factors enhancing resistance to radicalisation; collection of evidence-based practices – used for practical use by practitioners and decision makers;
- Implementation of targeted programs and training (offline / online).
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