Child Sexual Abuse can be Preventable
We need to acknowledge the possibilities and opportunities available to protect children before abuse occurs. In fact, child sexual abuse can be avoided to some…
The Protect and Prevent Through Support (2PS) is coordinated by the Polish Platform for Homeland Security – an Non-Governmental Organisation working in the Security Research Domain in Europe. For more information about 2PS’ partners, please visit the EU’s CORDIS site.
The project is a three-year prevention initiative that started in October 2022 and will run to September 2025. Throughout the 3 years, the consortium of 2PS will work on a variety of pressing topics and actions to help address the growing issues of Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation (CSAE), particularly in the online environment (OCSAE).
Prevention First
2PS and its partners consider all forms of CSAE as a severe concern. 2PS does not excuse or condone any form of child abuse, nor do we claim that prevention alone will ‘solve’ the issues facing societies across Europe and the world regarding the volume of Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM) or the increase of (CSAE) or any other related crimes putting children at risk of abuse and or exploitation.
Amongst various actions – the project will establish a central repository of services and support actions that can help to divert anyone who recognises they are having indecent thoughts towards children or engaging with materials that are a source of concern and could lead to illegal content consumption; for example, CSAM.
The project team consists of specialists spanning multiple fields of expertise – together, this consists of 20 formal partners from 14 countries. The team includes National Helplines, Universities, Outpatient Clinics, Psychologists and Sexologists, Law Enforcement, Technology partners, NGOs and Legal experts. The team strives toward positive change and we are dedicated to implement steps that can and will protect children.
The main goals of the project are:
We would like to invite you to the project website and its profiles on X (previously Twitter) and LinkedIn.
This project is funded by the European Commission.
Get in touch with us at
Dołączyłem do Platformy w listopadzie 2017 roku. Przez długi czas byłem odpowiedzialny za realizację krajowych i europejskich projektów związanych z bezpieczeństwem. W związku z dynamicznym rozwojem PPBW oraz powstaniem Działu Komunikacji, zająłem się promocją i upowszechnianiem rezultatów naszych działań.
Obecnie koordynuję komunikację projektów finansowanych przez UE z obszaru bezpieczeństwa. Do moich obowiązków należy również zarządzanie kanałami online PPBW oraz wspieranie zespołu w bieżących pracach.
Posiadam szeroki zakres umiejętności, który pozwala mi realizować różnorodne zadania, takie jak tworzenie treści (teksty, zdjęcia, wideo), planowanie strategii komunikacyjnych i procesów, budowanie społeczności i relacji, a także administrowanie platformami online.
I’ve been working at PPHS since November 2017. For a long time, I was responsible for implementing both international and national security projects. As PPHS developed and the Communication Department was established, I was promoted to a role focused entirely on communication.
I currently serve as the Communication & Dissemination Manager for EU-funded security projects. My responsibilities also include managing the online channels run by PPHS and supporting the team with ongoing tasks.
I have a broad set of skills, enabling me to handle a variety of tasks such as content creation (texts, photos, videos), communication and process planning, community and relationship building, as well as managing online platforms.