The nationwide introduction of a state of epidemic in the spring of 2020 and the associated pandemic continue to affect many aspects of our lives. As a result, we were forced to stop conducting classroom training courses and transfer our activities to online platforms.
The past year has shown that we can also successfully assist public administration units in Poland in carrying out their tasks in this form and provide them with knowledge related to changes in legislation. In 2021, we carried out 16 recurring training courses titled “Sharing public information in practice” and “The whistleblower in the public sector – duties of a public organisation in light of the EU directive.” In addition, we conducted 19 dedicated training courses, of which 6 were held in classrooms and 13 were held online.
There was a great interest in meetings, intended for schools, with the retired judge Anna Maria Wesołowska titled “Contemporary threats to the safety of children and youth.” There were 4 such events in November. In total, the Polish Platform for Homeland Security trained 2,671 people and organised 35 training sessions in 2021. Thank you for your trust in both the institutions and our Partners using our courses. At the same time, we remain committed to expanding our offer tailored to the needs of the participants.
More information about the training courses organised by the Polish Platform for Homeland Security: