The online 1st iProcureNet Advanced Security Procurement Conference was held on 9-10 March 2021. The main subject of the event was identifying and anticipating unmet needs of Law Enforcement Agencies in the area of innovation and procurement.
The iProcureNet Advanced Security Procurement Conference has highlighted the importance of procurement in facing the challenges of an uncertain future and ensuring resilience through innovation. 2-days long meeting was attended by European specialists experienced in topics related to an event’s main theme. One of them was Bartosz Kozuch, the Project Manager in PPHS, who on behalf of the i-LEAD project, has participated in the Expert roundtable entitled “Procurement as key issue for innovation uptake”
A meeting was organised in collaboration with the following European Projects: BroadWay, ENCIRCLE, FOLDOUT, i-LEAD, ILEAnet, PEN-CP and SPARTA. The main organiser was the iProcureNet project financed under the Horizon 2020 Programme. More information including a detailed agenda and presentations can be found here.