Partners of i-LEAD, members of Industry and interested LEAs from around Europe came together on the 5th November for the first edition of i-LEAD Industry Days in Helsinki, Finland.
The concept of Industry Days is to connect practitioners with the providers of technology software and systems recognised by the project as key focus areas in individual streams of law enforcement. Bringing these stakeholders together creates an atmosphere for constructive dialogue aimed at addressing innovation gaps faced by experts.
The i-LEAD Methodology
A series of workshops ran during the project helped the Work Package 2 team elicit the gaps and challenges encountered by LEAs. Cooperation between the work packages responsible for the workshops, and those managing the analysis of technologies allowed the event team to target specific companies to apply for attendance.
Once each of the applications was reviewed and evaluated by experts from each domain, fifteen companies covering seven different technology areas were invited.
At the event, each company provided overviews of their technology and solutions to interested audience members. The attendees were mainly from a selection of Law Enforcement Agencies and research institutions.
The technology companies each had two, one-hour slots, to present their products and detail their key features and benefits. Besides, the time provided an opportunity to dive into more specific details about architecture and security and other related content. Each presentation was concluded with a question and answer session.
Interact with the technology links below to find out more about the 15 companies who delivered presentations and interactive sessions at Industry Days.
As this was the first edition of Industry Days, the event was not perfect. It was a proof of concept that can be altered and improved before the next iteration. That said, the event was generally received well, and attendees and technology presenters were satisfied with the interactions.
Continuing the Dialogue
As stated, the event was an opportunity to initiate a dialogue. For relations to be strengthened and communication to be improved, it is imperative that the group remains in contact, and we expand the network of LEAs and technology specialists.
Therefore, we invite LEAs and Technology companies to review the content below.
We encourage everyone to join the i-LEAD LinkedIn group. Feel free to share comments, literature, information and knowledge that will be beneficial to the network.
If you are from a technology provider and have a solution that you also feel will be helpful, please e-mail steven.ormston@ppbw.pl.
Technology Companies
Website: kivu.tech
KIVU provides a highly scalable network analysis platform helping analysts in the security domain fight organised crime, terrorism, cybercrime and fraud. The software is a one-stop-shop solution from OSINT data collection via web crawlers and database connectors; to storage in a high-performance graph database, finally visualisation and analysis via an intuitive user interface.
The technology was specially designed for law enforcement and intelligence agencies to counter organised crime. We serve the use-cases of OSINT and SOCMINT, but users can also import their data, such as; CDR, E-Mail Data, TCP/IP network data, etc. The tool itself is data agnostic, meaning, if the data includes relationships/connections in some form, it can be analysed by the software.
Website: 4iq.com
We are intelligence community analysts, InfoSec pioneers and tech entrepreneurs with a single mission: To empower intel analysts, security researchers, and criminal investigators discover, uncover, disrupt adversaries to prevent cybercrime and cyber-espionage.
A unified intelligence platform can enable a complete intel lifecycle –4iQ provides this for its customers.
4iQ – IDHUNT ENTERPRISE Solution Brochure
Website: sequentum.com
Sequentum offers reliable enterprise-grade OSINT web data collection software for large scale web scraping operations that depend on high-quality data feeds for their internal research and AI decision systems.
Enterprise-grade OSINT web data collection platform that sits in the windows security context runs on premise or in the cloud, used to collect web data whether from social media, news, blogs, or other OSINT sources.
Website: datawalk.com
DataWalk SA is a Poland-based high-tech company focused on the development and sale of enterprise-class commercial off-the-shelf IT products (COTS) in the link-based analytics area for law enforcement, intelligence, and insurance.
DataWalk is an intelligence platform for revealing patterns, relationships, and anomalies for large-scale, multisource data analysis. Using a massively scalable big-data engine combined with user-friendly visual interfaces, DataWalk eliminates the restrictions of data silos, allowing law enforcement agencies to import, and rapidly blend and analyse data from multiple sources.
DataWalk – Next Generation Big Data Platform For Fighting Against Cyber Crimes
DataWalk – 1/2 Next-generation analytics platform for intelligence-led decision making
DataWalk – 2/2 Next-generation analytics platform for intelligence-led decision making
DataWalk – Introduction to Open-Source Intelligence Tools
Website: t3k-forensics.com/en/
T3K-Forensics (T3K) is an Austrian based, Business-to-Government focused technology company that specializes in forensic services and software development. From 2015 we focused on developing customized analytic solutions for law enforcement, immigration authorities and other governmental agencies.
T3K’s Law Enforcement Analytical Platform (LEAP) is an operative software developed by T3K-Forensics for law enforcement and immigration authorities in need of a solution for quick investigations at specific hot spots using mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets.
T3K-Forensics – Artificial intelligence in mobile forensics
T3K-Forensics – LEAP Border Security
T3K-Forensics – LEAP – Child Sexual Abuse (CSA)
T3K-Forensics – Mobile forensics trainings
T3K-Forensics – LEAP – Law Enforcement Analytical Platform
Website: videmo.de/en
An innovative company specialising in automatic video analysis. Over the years, we have grown to become one of the leading providers of facial recognition solutions in the security space.
Videmo 360 is the ideal tool for analysing your video data. In the case of large amounts of video material from various sources, investigators are often overwhelmed, since conventional software does not provide support for the efficient elucidation of incidents. Thus, for every suspicion, many hours of video material must be manually searched. The use of Videmo 360 drastically reduces this work.
Videmo – company and product overview
Videmo – Videomo 360 all in one
Website: ultinous.com
Ultinous develops ground-breaking AI technology capable of generating previously unseen analytics, metrics and real-time, predictive alerts from live video feeds. Using state-of-the-art facial recognition and tracking, the Ultinous Platform has multiple applications in different industries such as security, retail and online services.
Our Facial Recognition is based on Ai and deep learning algorithms. approx. 10 million faces have been trained in our model and have very high accuracy and speed.
Website: secunet.com
At secunet, an increasing number of more than 600 it-security experts focus on topics such as cryptography, e-government, business security and automotive security. Our services range from analysis to consulting, conception, development and integration of software and hardware solutions to training and support.
Secunet bocoa is an intuitive identity check application on a mobile device that provides police officers with a detailed overview of relevant results from captured fingerprints, facial images as well as visual and electronic document inspection.
Website: insta.fi
Insta helps to create a safe and competitive society. An expert in: industrial automation, industrial digitalisation, cybersecurity and defence technologies. Insta helps customers develop and maintain their performance and profitability.
Insta serves customers in demanding fields by providing them with innovative technology and service solutions.
Insta Blue Aware product family provides a secure way for distributing location data, and video feeds related to Drone operations to all participants (Military, Police, Fire & Rescue, Customs and Border Control). The platform enables adding of analysis, artificial intelligence and augmented reality features to enhance the data and video streams.
Website: rumbletools.fi
Rumble Tools is a high technology company located in Imatra, Finland. Our core competence is the automation of processes through robotics and software development. We have developed an Automated Industrial Drone Platform for the diverse needs of industrial sites. The unique part of our solution is the docking station, which enables that the flying robot drones can operate 24/7 autonomously.
We provide a fully automated mobile docking station, complete with drones. This system consists of DD Docking Station installation in the top of the vehicle, Double Rumble Bee drones with a flight time of 20 minutes, when one of the drones is in mission, the other drone is charging, this allows a 24/7 operation.
Rumble Tools – Nr1 Builder of Drone Docking Stations with Advanced AI Software for Totally Autonomous Drone Control
Rumble Tools – Unmanned Systems
Website: ecapture3d.com
We have developed and commercialized a Web platform (www.eyescloud3d.com) where any user can quickly make 3d models from photos or videos taken by a smartphone, reflex camera, or even a drone.
Traditionally, when people made 3D models of an existing situation, they used either a laser scanner, a Photogrammetry software or other specific computer software. All these techniques are expensive and mostly need a specialist in 3D modelling.
With our 3d models, you can: take real measurements, geo-references, insert notes, embed in a website and download the 3d model to several formats including STL to 3D printer. All managed quickly and easily.
eCapture – 1/2 company presentation
eCapture – 2/2 company presentation
Website: thermoscientific.com/rapidDNA
Through an Applied Biosystems portfolio, Thermo Fisher Scientific is the world leader for over 20 years in providing superior solutions for human identification (HID). The comprehensive, validated products, expertise and application support, are in most of the HID laboratories across the world. Furthermore, we are the only company that designs and validates reagents, instruments, and data analysis software as a complete, integrated system for forensic Customers.
We are not just a product supplied through our commercial operations team. Through our professional validation services, and the forensic science application specialists, we offer local, personal support with extensive knowledge for an in-depth experience.
ThermoFisher – RapidHIT ID System for Law Enforcement
Website: ande.com
ANDE is the global leader for mobile Rapid-DNA certified by the FBI and already deployed around the world and EU. The platform is a fully automated DNA solution providing non-technical operators a full DNA Profile from both reference samples and crimes scenes in under 90 minutes (106 for crime scene).
ANDE holds many approvals and accreditations around the world, including an ISO17025 in the EU and NDIS within the United States. This has allowed agencies and Governments to deploy ANDE as a real-time tool for criminal investigations, border management and National Database development.
ANDE – Rapid DNA for a safer world
ANDE – Rapid DNA system approved by the FBI
Website: nsion.fi
NSION is a significant technology innovator in the growing sector of government-related high-security video and data management market.
One of the biggest challenges is to optimize data security and speed in video data transferring in complex life-critical field operations. NSION solves the problems with a unique high throughput platform, which enables the integration of command and control systems to multiple different video production technologies.
NSION – NSC3: Media broadcasting and management solution for professionals
Website: elettronica.de
Elettronica GmbH solutions are based on an integration architecture with reusable components. The architecture allows control directly via the automobile bus (Can-Bus) as well as via a control software.
The individual sensors can be operated; data can be acquired, processed and overlapped or merged across the sensor boundary. The aim is to support the user as much as possible in the operation and information gain. The technology can be used for all sensor scenarios. An example is a system of drone detection. The system works with any sensors whose added value is the fusion of data.
Besides the technology presentations, three separate EU funded projects took part in the event. Each provided a short presentation of their projects. These initiatives are also closely related to the subject matters of i-LEAD; therefore, they provided additional value on top of the technical presentations.
Website: copkit.eu
COPKIT addresses the problem of analysing, preventing, investigating and mitigating the use of new information and communication technologies by organised crime and terrorist groups. These issues are crucial challenges for policy-makers and LEAs, due to the complexity of the phenomenon; causing a real VUCA world effect (volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity).
EUROPOL, who is involved in COPKIT as head of its Advisory Board, stated in its SOCTA 2017 report „Crime in the Age of Technology”, „This is now, perhaps, the greatest challenge facing LEAs around the world”.
COPKIT proposes an intelligence-led Early Warning (EW) / Early Action (EA) system directly related to the methodological approach used by EUROPOL in SOCTA. 18 European organisations from 13 countries, make up the consortium aiming to create a technological intelligence and knowledge ecosystem for LEAs, to fight OCT.
MKLab CERTH (AI technologies and next-generation tools for security applications)
Website: mklab.iti.gr
As the challenges faced by Law Enforcement exhibit significant diversity and increasing complexity, innovative solutions like Artificial Intelligence and deep learning approaches have the potential to lead to improvements in their operational capabilities.
Towards these objectives and through our involvement in several security-related H2020 projects (FCT, DRS, BES etc.) MKLab ITI CERTH has researched and developed cutting edge tools and services for increased situational awareness and advanced multimodal analytics. In particular, MKLab has developed Open Source Intelligence discovery and Analysis Tools, Services for Intelligent IoT and Robotic Systems, Decision Support and Early Warning tools, as well as Computer Vision services, such as Visual Identification and Face Recognition.
Through MKLab’s strong collaboration with relevant agencies across Europe, these services and tools aim at meeting their requirements and delivering effective and efficient security solutions.
Website: ramses2020.eu
RAMSES is an H 2020 funded project, which aims to develop a holistic, intelligent, scalable, and modular platform for Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) to facilitate digital forensic investigations The system extracts, analyses, links, and interprets information extracted from the internet relating to financially motivated malware. Focus areas are on two use cases ransomware and banking trojans. RAMSES brings together the latest technologies in a software platform which integrates seven services:
• OSINT Service;
• Darknet Service;
• Bitcoin Tracking Service;
• Banking Trojan Analyser service;
• Ransomware classifier service;
• Multimedia forensic service;
• Malware intelligence service.
Eleven partners from different European counties are involved in the RAMSES consortium They include legal experts, LEAs, technical and scientific partners from both private and the public sector.