In today’s digital age, protecting your business from cyber threats is more important than ever. Cyberattacks can lead to devastating consequences, including operational downtime, significant financial losses, and damage to your reputation.
To help safeguard your organisation, we are thrilled to offer a free training course on cybersecurity. This ‘Introduction to Cybersecurity’ course assists all employees, equipping them with the basic skills to identify and avoid potential threats.
This online training is free (thanks to funding from the European Union) and will be held on October 29 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. (CET) Simply register to take advantage of it. Link to register:
The organisers of the training are the Polish Platform for Homeland Security and the European project CYRUS.
💻 Training: Introduction to Cybersecurity
💰 Price: for free! (thanks to funding from the European Union)
📅 Date: October 29, 9:00-13:00 CET online
📝 Registration: https://odoo.scademy.com/survey/start/af470060-9ef7-4285-8073-738104371a24
📆 Registration closes: October 27, 2024
👥 Organisers: the Polish Platform for Homeland Security and the European project CYRUS.
🔐 Take care of your online security! 🔐
Join us for a free training course, Introduction to Cybsersecurity, which covers the key cyber threats businesses face today. The course was created by the Polish Platform for Homeland Security as part of the European CYRUS project, funded by the EU’s Digital Europe programme.
level: beginner
language: English
Who is this training for?
The training is aimed at enterprise employees who want to better understand online threats and learn how to recognise and respond to them appropriately.
By taking part, participants will:
✅ Understand the basic concepts of cyber security.
✅ Learn how to create strong passwords and protect your accounts.
✅ Learn how to recognise phishing and ransomware.
✅ Gain knowledge of social engineering and how to avoid it.
✅ Receive free educational materials to use after the training.
✅ A certificate of completion of the training following the knowledge test and satisfaction
How to participate?
Just register through the website: https://cyrus-project.eu/pilot-trainings/
After signing up, you will receive a link to the meeting.
NOTE: Group registration is possible, e.g. for the HR department - in case of any difficulties with registration, please contact us ( training@pphs.pl ), we will be happy to help. Any number of employees can register from a given company and please feel free to share with colleagues and across your network.
We strongly encourage you to take part in the training!