Herewith the DRIVER+ consortium would like to invite you to the third edition of the Innovation for Crisis Management (I4CM) event to be organised from 3rd to 4th September 2018 in Warsaw at the Copernicus Science Centre. The Polish Platform for Homeland Security is a Supporting institution of this event.
The main aim of this event is to allow local/regional Crisis Management practitioners, solution providers and policy-makers to meet and exchange on best practices and lessons learnt, while providing related projects and initiatives with an opportunity to increase their impact and to liaise with any interested stakeholders.
Co-hosted by ITTI SP ZOO, the German Institute for Standardization (DIN) and The Public Safety Communication Europe Forum (PSCE), this new edition will focus on standardisation and identified regional-national pressing issues such as inter-agencies cooperation and interoperability of communication systems. Furthermore, the event will comprise keynote speeches, panel discussions, dedicated workshops and hands-on sessions with mini trials and roundtables.
Participation in the conference is free, however, an earlier registration is required until 24 August 2018. The application form, draft programme and other information about the I4CM conference are available on the DRIVER+ project website. The organizers provide translation from English to Polish.
We encourage you to participate in this event!