The Innovation – Law Enforcement Agencies Dialogue (i-LEAD) project is organizing “i-LEAD Industry Days” which will take place in Helsinki on 5th November 2019. Find out more about i-LEAD here.
This event took place on the 5th November, read the event overview here.
About the event
The goal of Industry Days is to showcase useful and innovative technologies to Law Enforcement Agencies and industry.
Focus Areas
• Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) Tools
• Police Vehicles
• Drones
• Facial Recognition Systems
• Applications for intelligence analysis focusing on artificial intelligence
• Rapid DNA – Faster Results
Are these areas of interest to you?
Industry Days an event from the EU-funded i-LEAD project. The 5th of November promises to be a highly engaging day for all participants.
Typically, at events, presenters and exhibitors have limited slots to present their solutions. This pressured environment often leaves companies feeling unable to showcase their products and you, as the audience, are confused with the limited information presented.
i-LEAD Industry Days strives to be different. Providing a smaller number of technology providers extended, dedicated opportunities to explain their product’s unique value points in depth!
Deeper engagement gets to the core of the technology. This approach gives you ample time to ask questions during each session.
To take this one stage further, Industry Days will give each technology company an exhibition area in the main event room. Therefore, you can pick and choose between presentations and having one-on-one time with tech companies.
Registration has been closed.
Extended agenda and company information
Click the image to read the extended version of the Agenda for i-LEAD Industry Days.
Additional information
i-LEAD Industry Days runs the day before the highly anticipated SRE – Security Research Event.
The Security Research Event is the annual meeting where industry, governments and knowledge institutions come together to discuss the state of play, and current challenges, for security research in Europe. EU funded security-related projects are also on show at SRE, where 400 participants are expected to gather.
The i-LEAD team are here to help if you have any questions. Please reach out to