EU-HYBNET is inviting applications from legal entities who are interested in becoming new network members, to contribute to problem scoping, innovation mapping, workshops, research, and training in order to increase the network participants’ capability to counter hybrid threats.
Who Can Apply?
Open to experienced practitioners and relevant actors from the EU and Associated Countries that are legal entities – not individuals in their personal capacity.
The following actors can apply:
- Ministry level (administration)
- Local level (cities and regions)
- Support functions to ministry and local levels (incl. Europe’s third sector)
- Academia
- Industry & SMEs
- NGOs
All applicants must be relevant for providing measures to counter hybrid threats. More details can be found in the leaflet and under this link.
The EU-HYBNET network is extended within a European project financed by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 Programme. The Polish Platform for Homeland Security is a member of the project consortium. We would like to invite you to the project website and its profiles on Twitter and LinkedIn.