In Gierałtów, nearby Poznan, there is a unique place in Poland: a house for dogs and horses that were retired after years of hard work in uniformed forces. The center is led by the “Veterans’ Corner” Association.
Thanks to their absolutely amazing capabilities, working dogs and horses support the work of the Police, the Border Guard, the Railroad Guard, the Prison Service, fire brigades, and soldiers. Unfortunately, in many cases, after they are retired, our four-legged friends become homeless. The “Veterans’ Corner” is a response to the need to create a place for animals that lost their health while serving people.
The Polish Platform for Homeland Security strongly encourages support to the “Veterans’ Corner”, both through popularization of the Association’s activities and by providing financial aid.
How can you donate to “Veterans Corner” Association?
Account number (Bank PEKAO SA, BIC: PKOPPLPW): PL 53 1240 3246 1111 0010 7204 2668
Always add the note “Veterans Corner”
“Veterans Corner” on Facebook