We have the pleasure to invite you to attend the 3rd European Cybersecurity Forum CYBERSEC 2017, to be held on 9-10 October 2017 at the ICE Congress Center in Cracow.
CYBERSEC is a regular public policy conference focusing on strategic problems related to cybersecurity.
Thanks to its innovative formula, CYBERSEC holds a special place among conferences on similar subjects. The goal of CYBERSEC is to formulate strategic recommendations and provide an impulse for concrete initiatives aimed to enhance the level of cybersecurity within specific economic sectors, states, and the EU as a whole. Thanks to the presence of numerous experts and practitioners from Europe and other parts of the world representing the public and private sectors, and thanks to the great networking opportunities, CYBERSEC initiates cooperation between various entities and provides a convenient venue for bilateral talks.
The organizer of the yearly conference is the Kosciuszko Institute.
The Polish Platform for Homeland Security is the Institutional Patron of the event.
More information about the conference can be found at website.
We are looking forward to seeing you at the conference.