Protection against cyber attacks is one of the most serious challenges to public administration entities. There is no doubt that effective preparation of institutions and employees to cyber hazards is a huge organizational and financial challenge.
According to item 4.2.3 of the draft Poland’s Cyber Security Strategy for the years 2016-2020 which, as announced by representatives of the Ministry of Digitization, is to be adopted by the Council of Ministers in April 2017, public administration employees should improve their skills by attending cyber security training. Training should focus most of all on information security procedures to be implemented in organizations, knowledge of phishing techniques, consequences of security breaches, and procedures applicable in the event of successful attacks or attempts. Importantly, cyber security training should cover all public administration employees and not only persons responsible for IT and telecommunication infrastructure.
According to the 2015 report of the Supreme Audit Office about preparation of the Polish government to face cyber threats, lack of training for public administration employees was found to be one of the key shortcomings.
In order to address this need, the Polish Platform for Homeland Security has prepared a training module titled “Cyber security – how to effectively protect yourself and your institutions against cyber threats”, which is intended for public administration employees.
The next training will be held in Bydgoszcz on 20 March 2017. The attendees who complete the training will receive certificates issued by the Polish Platform for Homeland Security.
More information can be found on the