We are pleased to announce that the Commander-in-Chief of the Polish Police and the Polish Government Centre for Security are the Honorary Patrons of the “Criminal Intelligence – New Trends in Analysis Conference 2022” conference (CINTIA 2022). The event will take place on September 20 and 21, 2022 in Krakow.
The goal of this conference is to facilitate knowledge transfer between representatives of services and institutions, providers of tools for conducting criminal analysis, and representatives from the scientific community. Registration is open by September 13.
The addressees of the conference are both representatives of the services responsible for security and scientists who deal with criminal analysis in their daily work. For these two groups, participation in CINTiA 2022 is free of charge.Due to the international nature of the event, the organizers provide simultaneous interpretation from English into Polish.
CINTIA 2022 – Scientific Committee:
- Prof. Marek Kisiel-Dorohinicki – AGH University of Science and Technology
- Prof. Jarosław Wołejszo – Calisia University
- Prof. Aleksander Byrski – AGH University of Science and Technology
- Prof. Dirk Labudde – University of Applied Sciences, Mittweida
- Katarzyna Chałubińska-Jentkiewicz, PhD, Eng. – War Studies University
- Jerzy Kosiński, PhD, Eng. – Polish Platform for Homeland Security
- Jerzy Zawisza, PhD, Eng. – Warsaw University of Business
- Barbara Gąciarz, PhD, Eng. – AGH University of Science and Technology
- Paweł Chodak, PhD, Eng. – AGH University of Science and Technology
- Paweł Topa, PhD, Eng. – AGH University of Science and Technology
CINTIA 2022 is organised by the Polish Platform for Homeland Security and the AGH University of Science and Technology. The conference partner is the European i-LEAD project.