Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP)
Effective fostering innovation in the security domain requires active participation in the development and testing processes. This approach, called a pre-commercial procurement (PCP), allows public buyers to evaluate different innovations and select the best-fit solutions that may not be available on the market to address specific security challenges.
PPHS is a partner of PCP initiatives, helping with gathering participants and supporting the management of various steps of the process.
Related Updates

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Mitigating Security Challenges with the Use of Innovative Technology: How to Accelerate the Process?
75% of EU citizens live in urban areas and they face increasing security challenges. Moreover, we still don’t have sufficient technological solutions. Is there …

PREVENT PCP: Invitation to the webinars on public procurement
Polish Platform for Homeland Security, with the support of MORATEX Institute of Security Technologies, is organizing an information webinar on public procuremen…

PREVENT PCP project has been launched
We are pleased to announce that the PREVENT PCP project financed by the European Commission under Horizon 2020 Programme has been launched. PPHS is one of the i…

PPHS has participated in the 1st iProcureNet Advanced Security Procurement Conference
The online 1st iProcureNet Advanced Security Procurement Conference was held on 9-10 March 2021. The main subject of the event was identifying and anticipating …

PREVENT: Impact on increasing public transport security in Europe
The Polish Platform for Homeland Security has participated in an international project on anticipating terrorist attacks in public transport entitled “Procureme…

PREVENT: Online final event
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We are pleased to announce that PREVENT project PCP Handbook has just been released! The Polish Platform for Homeland Security is a co-author of this document t…

PREVENT: Project Newsletter #2
The second PREVENT Newsletter is release. We encourage you to read the brochure and familiarize yourself with the project.

PREVENT: Improve your company’s security through Pre-Commercial Procurement!
The Polish Platform for Homeland Security is involved in the European project entitled “PRocurEments of innoVativE, advaNced systems to support security in publ…

PPHS starts a European project called PREVENT
We would like to inform that the Polish Platform for Homeland Security is involved in an international project on anticipating terrorist attacks in public trans…